E.J.Spence supports the best person for your operation in Japan.
Business success can be achieved by the performance of the people who really know your business.
Your business in Japan needs to have someone with sufficient level of business knowledge and career in your specific business field, and this should be your top priority.
The high level skills of your mother-tongue or English shall not necessarily be the highest priority factor which you expect from the representative of your business in Japan. A certain level of language ability is preferable but you can leave the language issue to translators and interpreters (e.g. secretaries).
E.J.Spence will find the best person, by recruiting and headhunting, who has sufficient knowledge and experiences in your business field to represent or to play the important position in your operation in Japan.
While the top prioritized faculty to represent or to play the important role in your company’s operation in Japan shall be the knowledge and experiences in your specific business field, there are two areas that his faculty cannot manage.
They are “the language issue”, including the gap in business practices between Western countries and Japan, and “the job segment issue”, In addition to finding the best person to represent or to play the important position in your operation in Japan, E.J.Spence will further look after these areas.
(The Language Issue)
While those Japanese who have certain level of English proficiency, such as English speaking accountants, cannot be deemed to have sufficient business faculty in the specific business field of your company, vice-versa can be simply deemed.
Those Japanese who have the essential knowledge in your business field may not have the eligible command of English. One of the surveys revealed that Japan ranks 22nd at English proficiency among the countries where English is not the native tongue.
You will have no concern over the honest way of business by Japanese, such honesty unfortunately reconfirmed at the fact that people have turned in to police center thousands of wallets found in the debris, containing 48 million USD in cash, and 5,700 safes, containing 30 million USD cash, which were washed ashore during the Tsunami Disaster in 2011. But you may be puzzled with the different way of business by the Japanese, and “the Japanese Representative” for your business may not be familiar with the Western way of business.
E.J.Spence will always stay close and keep supporting “the Japanese Representative” you appointed from our recommended candidates, who has competent knowledge and career in your business field, providing language assistance and bridging the gap of business practices.
(The job segment issue)
Business comprises a lot of job segments.
“The Japanese Representative” shall have sufficient knowledge and experiences in your business field, but nobody will be able to cover the entire job segments to properly run your company's business in Japan. He can have a very good expertise in selling your product or service in Japan, but he may have less knowledge about accounting. He can be very good at establishing distribution channels, but he may have just a few experiences in public relations. Nobody can cover the entire the job segments by oneself.
E.J.Spence will stay close and support “the Japanese Representative” the job segments that he is not familiar with.
Company/Office Registration
Tax management
Company Laws
Legal Affair
Personnel/Labour management
Employee Education
Human Resource Development
Internal Governance
Claim Action
Information Technology
Information Security
Introduction of System
New Share Issues
Stock Offering
Capitalization Strategy
Real Estate Security
Real Estate Transactions
Settlement of Debts
New Product Development
Product Design
Package Design
Product Testing
Product Registration
Test Marketing
Production Control
Quality Control
Material Procurement
Order processing
Service Management
Factory examination
Industry-Academia Collaboration
Environmental Safety
Facility Construction
Import/Export Transaction
Market Development
Distribution Management
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Sales Promotion
Sales Fair/Campaign
Public Relations
News Clipping
Web Design
Graphic Design
Store Design
Logo Mark
Customer Relations
E.J.Spence assists the best person for your operation in Japan.