E.J. Spence will filter through the cards you receive and pick out the ones that have real value for your business.
You may be visiting Japan as a member of a trade-mission or as an exhibitor at a trade fair, and you will be meeting lots of people and receiving numerous business cards.
Swarms of people will visit your stand, they will introduce themselves, give you their business cards, make conversation and some might even talk about a possible cooperation. But how will you really know whether they were really interested in your products or services or whether they only dropped buy for a free sample?!
Upon your return home, you will probably send e-mails to the addresses on your pile of business cards, wondering whether you will ever receive a reply. The recipients of your mails may find it arduous to read a letter in English and promptly redirect it into the trash box.
Going to Japan simply to generate a collection of exotic looking business cards would be unreasonable. The aim of your visit is to find potential Japanese traders, retailers and wholesalers with whom you can build a solid relationship. You need someone in Japan who can follow-up on the contacts you made and make sure that your trip to Japan turns out to be fruitful and productive.
E.J. Spence will do this on your behalf and report back to you. It will evaluate the background of your contacts, their real intentions and most of all their dependability as potential partners for your specific needs.